• Transactions

aycan Digitalsysteme Sale / Succession to PARATUS

The Company

aycan Digitalsysteme GmbH headquartered in Würzburg (Germany) as well as its sister company aycan Medical Systems Inc. headquartered Rochester, New York (USA), are non-listed companies, that develop and distribute innovative medical imaging solutions for radiology and healthcare providers with a focus on Apple systems. aycan Digitalsysteme GmbH has been founded in 1996 by Stephan Popp, Matthias Brönner, Rolf-Willy Kenn and Reinald Huber, the US company has been founded and led in addition by Frank Burkhardt c. 20 years ago.

The Transaction

Since their foundation, the companies of aycan group have developed into one of the leading providers for software solutions in the field of PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) with a focus on Apple systems. To secure the long- term succession, the shareholders together with ARGONAS sought a strong and equal partner which they have in PARATUS Group, which is backed by Greenpeak Partners. After the transaction, the already existing close business relationship between aycan and Image Information Systems, which also belongs to Paratus Group, will be further expanded.

Scope of Mandate

ARGONAS has fully advised and supported the shareholders Stephan Popp, Matthias Brönner, Rolf-Willy Kenn, Reinald Huber and Frank Burkhardt as exclusive sell-side advisor in all streams of the preparation and implementation of the process.