• Market Insights

Cleanroom Technology: Construction and Design Sector Snapshot

We are pleased to share our latest research, a Sector Snapshot Report on Cleanroom Technology.

This report is the first in a series of four, each focusing on a key sub-segment within the Cleanroom Technology sector: (1) Construction & Design, (2) Equipment, (3) Controls, Validation and Certification Services, and (4) Consumables.

With a focus on the Construction & Design sub-segment, the report covers the following topics and key points:

Purpose (Construction & Design):

  • Creation of controlled environments to minimize contamination, crucial for high-precision manufacturing & research

Key Customers & Applications (across all sub-segments):

  • Biotech, pharma, medical devices, semiconductors, electronics, and food production

Market Size and Overall Growth Dynamics (across all sub-segments):

  • USD 7.6 bn market (2023) projected to grow to USD 14 bn by 2033 (= CAGR > 6%)

  • Biotech, pharma, medical devices, semiconductors & electronics being the main target industries driving growth

Products & Services (Construction & Design):

  • Customized, modular and mobile cleanrooms

Market Structure (Construction & Design):

  • Overall fragmented and regionally diverse market with players of different sizes and profiles but no clear dominant player

Selected Key Players (Construction & Design):

  • Diverse set of players ranging from smaller and more focused players like clean-tek, ABN Cleanroom Technology or Daldrop to bigger and more diversified players like exyte, Lindner or SPIE

Transaction Market Dynamics (Construction & Design):

  • Overall moderate activity in the past, however with a clear uptick in recent activity, especially in the US and other markets outside Germany

  • Driven by increased focus and accelerated growth dynamics of the respective target industries, with a clear case for growing transaction activity and consolidation trends in Germany and broader Europe going forward

Please reach out to us if you would like to discuss the sector in more detail or would like to talk about specific transaction opportunities in the space!

Link zum Sector Snapshot (EN)